Changes to my study programme


I am in my seventh semester of architecture, and i have passed a great amount of subjects, more than 80% of the total subjects of the career. One of the subjects that according to my perspective is not necessary in the career is Geometry, sincerely in this subject pass basic knowledge in terms of isometric transformations and how to draw correctly in perspective. I find that this knowledge is acquired throughout the workshop, where the first year they make us do a lot of freehand drawings. Another subject in which i did not learn much is critique of Latin American architecture, this subject is learned to "criticize" this type of architecture, architecture that we previously saw in past classes. I would say that these two subjects are superfluous in the curriculum from my perspective. 

As for the workload, it is immense, especially in first and second year, i remember not having slept for 76 hours counted, this due to the large amount of work that teachers sent in the various subjects. The workload increases because in architecture the processes are mostly creative, where the solutions can be infinite, because of this one can be thinking hours and hours to solve a single part of a project. Workshop is the subject that takes more time and i do not agree with the method of teaching, as it is trial and error, the teachers wait for you to make a mistake as a student and in relation to that say that it was the right thing to do, they should change that way of teaching because you waste a lot of time trying to do something and in conclusion they tell you that it is wrong. 

The facilities of the university seem nice to me, the only thing i don't like is the cafeteria, since it is always full of pigeons, which are very annoying. 


  1. Not to be political but, I like the cafeteria a lot, especially because of the pigeons


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